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Why You Should Respect Your Toilet R Historymemes Know Your Meme
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U-1206 meme- Itulah tulisan di secarik kertas yang ditemukan di saku celana jenazah salah satu prajurit kru kapal selam yang tenggelam di dasar lautan Peristiwa nyata itu menjadi mozaik yang membuat suasana menjadi haru biru Itulah kepingankepingan dari rangkaian peristiwa tenggelamnya kapal selam Hati pun pasti berkepingkeping membaca pesan tersebutGreg Graffin, PhD On this Day Aeroflot flight 593 (repost) New Delhi's monkeys;

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U16 je bila nemška vojaška podmornica Kriegsmarine, ki je bila dejavna med drugo svetovno vojno Zgodovina 14 aprila 1945 je podmornica plula pod površjem Severnega morja, ko se je kapitan Schlitt namenil na stranišče Ker je bil nov straniščni sistem zapleten, je nekaj šlo narobe, tako da so po nesreči v podmornico spustili U16 was a new boat carrying a new form of highpressure toilet that could be used at lower depths than older waste management systems The boat's captain had to use the head one day while out on patrol, and accidentally opened a valve to the outside – Stories From U16 Down the Drain How Improper Bathroom Use Sank This Nazi Submarine by Elliot Carter How a Toilet Sunk a Deadly Nazi Submarine by War Is Boring
Explore Joseph Anders's board "u boats" on See more ideas about german submarines, submarines, uboots U16 – The Only Sub to be Sunk By a Dump on the Toilet The U16 was commissioned on and a type 7C Uboat This type UBoat was equipped with a new type of toilet designed to allow the submarine to dive deeper and avoid Allied attack It was a very complicated high pressure valve system which required special training toU16 is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in Peterhead, Scotland, United Kingdom The maximum depth is over 150ft/46m In the mid 70's, while survey work was being undertaken for the BP Forties Field oil pipeline to Cruden Bay, the remains of U16 were found in approx 70m depth at 5724N, 0136W
The newest VIIC Uboats like U16 were outfitted with new toilets with a high pressure valve rigged for deep water dives On , while patrolling at 0 feet, 10 miles off Scotland's coast under the command of KarlAdolph Schlitt, an improperly flushed toilet aboard U16 malfunctioned and began flooding the compartment withGreg Graffin, PhD On this Day Aeroflot flight 593 (repost) New Delhi's monkeys; El incidente Pues bien el 14 de abril de 1945, el U16 del ejército alemán navegaba frente a las costas escocesas, El insólito generador de memes

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Hélène Bénard « Une étude un peu approfondie de l'Histoire nous laisse deviner qu'en toute occasion les vraies forces dirigeantes ont à se tenir dans l'ombre des représentants qu'elles se sont choisies, ne pouvant se risquer à s'exposer aux fluctuations événementielles, sous peine de se voir un jour dépossédées de leur puissance »Les Allemands avaient équipé leurs UBoots d'un système de délestage des déchets organiques (fèces et urine) directement dans la mer Les ingénieurs avaient mis au point des toilettes qui permettaient de tirer la chasse même sous haute pression (en plongé)U16, the UBoat that went down because someone flushed dam_tawfik I fixed your meme u/AdamTAG V

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The most embarrassing ways Uboats have been lost share 870 views • 7 upvotes • Made by HexagonForce16 10 months ago increasingly buff spongebob ww2 Caption this Meme Add Meme Add Image Post Comment General notes on this boat In the mid 70's, while survey work was being undertaken for the BP Forties Field oil pipeline to Cruden Bay, the remains of U16 were found in approx 70m depth at 5724N, 0136W This location was later confirmed withIron Maiden(s) Garry Hoy;

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U16's Toilet Disaster U16, a Type VIIC submarine, was officially ordered on and ultimately launched on About a year and a half later, On , the shiny new craft with its crew of 50 men departed from Kristiansand, Norway on its first nontraining patrol machineSubscribe for more Horrible History http//bitly/SubscribeHorribleHistoriesHistory has seen some terribly evil leaders, implementing crazy laws and rules! A trapped Soviet soldier attempts to hold off the flood of German soldiers during Operation Barbarossa June 22nd, 1941 Operation Mountain Standard a reddit attempt to flood Colorado with high cap mags and give them away on the street to anyone is not staffed with the best and brightest reddit has to offer

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Iron Maiden(s) Garry Hoy; The method for blowing sanitaries overboard is difficult to operate, and the German Type VIIC boat U16 was lost with casualties because of a mistake with the toilet Water from showers and sinks is stored separately in "grey water"Galerie U16 145 likes U16 est la galerie d'art ContempoRhin la plus grande d'Alsace Espace d'expositions contemporaines à Leibersheim (HautRhin)

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Alchemy Bathworks, Metal Marvels, Minibrand Atelier, Anugraha;German submarine U16 was a German Type VIIC Uboat of the Kriegsmarine during World War II She was laid down on at F Schichau GmbH in Danzig and went into service on The boat's emblem was a white stork on a black shield with green beak and legsUseless Facts, Badly Drawn The German submarine U16 sank when its toilet overflowed thanks to its number two officer (get it?) named Kptlt Schlitt (no, seriously) Flushing the sub's toilet was a complicated procedure If done wrong, sewage and seawater could leak into the sub and that's what Kptlt Schlitt did

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German submarine U16 was a Type VIIC Uboat of Nazi Germany 's Kriegsmarine during World War II She was laid down on 12 June 1943 at F Schichau GmbH in Danzig and went into service on 16 March 1944 before sinking a year later, in April 1945 The boat's emblem was a white stork on a black shield with green beak and legs U16's Toilet Disaster U16, a Type VIIC submarine, was officially ordered on and ultimately launched on About a year and a half later, On , the shiny new craft with its crew of 50 men departed from Kristiansand, Norway on its first nontraining patrol machine TIL In 1945, the German submarine U16 was sunk after a toilet malfunctioned, resulting in seawater flooding into the hull, which when coming into contact with a battery, created chlorine gas, forcing the submarine to resurface At the surface, it

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USS Laffey (DD724) is an Allen M Sumnerclass destroyer, which was constructed during World War II, laid down and launched in 1943, and commissioned in February 1944The ship earned the nickname "The Ship That Would Not Die" for her exploits during the DDay invasion and the battle of Okinawa when she successfully withstood a determined assault by conventional bombers andGrace in Motion, New Way Of Life Ministries, Wit & Wisdom of Golf Quotations & Insightful words Facts, O'Steen's Produce Market, L&S Photography, M&M's Candles, RainBow ReFinishings, The Lucid Graveyard, N E U R O T I X, The Sparkly Turtle, TMMP Music Booking AgencyGerman Uboat U16 was sunk by its own toilet The complex toilet required a special technician to flush it, and when a sailor flushed it himself, it flooded the compartments, forcing the sub to the surface where it was promptly torpedoed and sunk Wikimedia Commons 3 Better Loot

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Un danger pour le futur vainqueur de la primaire PS A l'inverse, Emmanuel Macron réalise ses plus faibles scores avec une candidature du président du MoDem et celle de Manuel Valls, qui lui dispute davantage l'électorat hollandais de 12 que les Montebourg, Hamon et PeillonCaesar vs Pirates (One Hundredth stripU16 oli Saksan laivaston VIICluokan sukellusvene toisessa maailmansodassaAlus tilattiin 2 huhtikuuta 1942 F Schichaulta Danzigista ja aluksen kölin lasku tapahtui 12 kesäkuuta 1943 telakkanumerolla 1576 Alus laskettiin vesille 30 joulukuuta 1943 ja otettiin palveluskäyttöön 16 maaliskuuta 1944

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Bienvenue sur Emecologiecom, de la Société écologique et éthique LME, qui est spécialiste en produits écologiques naturels/bio, en santé naturelle, bienêtre, soins des animaux et de la maison La sélection de produits écologiques proposée par LME est faite sur de nombreux secteurs de la vie quotidienne tels que les peintures naturelles (peintures/enduits à la chaux, peintures àTHE 'SHITWRECK' U16 was a VIIC type submarine, built in 1944 at Schichau Yard, Danzig in Poland and lost in the North Sea near Peterhead on the April 14th 1945 following a 'diving' accident (leakage) At 70 feet below the surface, Kptlt Schlitt had decided to use the toilet without consulting a rating trained in its complicated operationU 16 war ein von der Kriegsmarine im Zweiten Weltkrieg eingesetztes UBoot vom Typ VII C Das Boot wurde dadurch bekannt, dass es im April 1945 auf seiner ersten Feindfahrt vor der Küste Schottlands auf Grund eines Bedienungsfehlers des Kommandanten KarlAdolf Schlitt an der Bordtoilette beschädigt wurde, auftauchen musste, von britischen Flugzeugen zerstört und


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History memes and jokes go here Our Discord Server can be found in the sidebar below Press J to jump to the feed Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Log In Sign Up User account menu U16 Close Crossposted by 2 years ago Archived U16President Banana The Mongolian Navy;>> U16 The Nazi submarine that was sunk by its toilet Iiiish More precisely, the leak forced it to surface and it was sunk by allied bombs once on the surface Edit And like lgrebe says, the toilet may not have been the sole reason for the leak they may have struck an older wreck

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Caesar vs Pirates (One Hundredth strip Morgan Deane, Guest Author Stories about military history often focus on battlefield tactics and strategy When they do focus on people, it is usually on a male soldier However, during WWII, the Germans often executed female soldiers on sight This is doubly amazing because it suggests women were a significant part of the fighting u16 şükela tümü bugün tarihteki en ilginç ve bir o kadar da berbat bir batırılma hikayesine sahip olan denizaltıdır 6 nisan 1945 de, u16 adındaki denizaltı nazi işgali altındaki norveç'in kristiansand şehrinin limanından ilk silahlı devriyesine başlamak üzere denize açıldı görevi diğer denizaltılarınki

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𒁯, codepoint U16F CUNEIFORM SIGN DAR in Unicode, is located in the block "Cuneiform" It belongs to the Cuneiform script and is a Other Letter La fin du U16 pour une histoire de chiotte !It came in the form of the Nazi submarine U16 The Type VIIC boat was a technological marvel armed with two antiaircraft guns, five torpedo tubes, and most impressively, a complex toilet that could flush waste into the ocean from deep below the surface

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